First and foremost, please remember we are guests on these roads! We are so lucky to
have these beautiful gravel roads for our Sunday event as well as our shake out rides
earlier in the week. Please enjoy these roads like you are a guest who may not be invited
back if you aren’t respectful.

Respect the Routt: SBT GRVL Oaths (remember these? You signed them at registration):

  • I will ride on the right side of the road and follow all traffic laws and Rules of the Road. I
    understand that these are open, public roads and that there are others using the
    roads for work and/or commuting. I will respectfully share these roads with all other

  • I will use portable toilets to relieve myself and will not trespass on private property.

  • I will practice kindness to others on and off the bike and understand that this event is
    inclusive of all types of riders, regardless of age, race, gender or ability.

  • I understand that breaking any of these Oaths may result in disqualification from SBT
    GRVL and future GRVL events.

  • Riders must wear an ANSI certified helmet at ALL times while on the bike.

Follow the rules of the road. The roads are OPEN to vehicle traffic, so treat them as such!
These rules include, but are not limited to: Follow the centerline rule. Keep your bike on
the APPROPRIATE side of the road. In the United States, that is the RIGHT side of the line.
If you are visiting from another country for the race, make sure you are set on that before
the gun goes off (and also, welcome!).

On all roads, please stay on your “side of the road”. We realize that there is no line down
the center on the dirt roads, but use your best judgment. This is especially important
when going around blind corners. You are expected to ride no more than two abreast
unless you are in a front group with police protection and right-of-way.

There will be stop signs. Treat them as such. If you are reported violating road rules, you
could be disqualified (some due process may be involved).

No direct outside support on the course (Friends, Family, Sponsors). Our Aid Stations will
be fully stocked and our volunteers ready to assist you. On course support also includes
bike shops and an Orange Seal technical stop. Riders accepting support from a source not
available to all riders will be disqualified.

This is important: please tell your loved ones to NOT drive on the course on Sunday.
Refer to the Course Map for recommended race viewing locations (we know that there
will be plenty of people that want to come heckle, er... cheer for you!).



Just because we call this a “RACE” doesn’t mean that there is a magical safety bubble
around you. We mentioned that the roads are OPEN, didn’t we? Pass with care! Do NOT
pass in blind corners, let someone know that you are going to pass them (especially on
the paved sections) and pass on the left. This should mean that the cyclist you are
passing is staying as far RIGHT as possible.

No headphones, earbuds or texting while riding (this also includes swiping left (or right!),
‘gramming or checking that email. We know that the course is gorgeous. If you feel the
need to pull out your phone to document that, please pull over to the right side,
completely off of the road, come to a complete stop and have at it!

No e-bikes (except for the designated e-bike race on the Green course and approved
paracyclists). They are AWESOME, but not for the race. Please don’t make us go all UCI
and check your bike (we have an X-ray machine, we don’t want to have to use it).

Come prepared to use single person power (except tandems). You’ve got this!

No aero bars! Trust us, you will want access to your brakes with the several significant dirt
descents on course. Lights are not required, and we will need to have all participants
finished by dark. The sun sets around 8:00 pm- we estimate that you will need to average
over 9mph on the black course to finish in time. Flashing tail lights are always helpful for
vehicles who may come upon you during the race. We like being visible to traffic.

Please use the Port-a-Potties at the Aid Stations and on shake-out rides. Nature happens,
but we try to leave the urinating in the ranch lands to the animals for which they are
intended. This MOST DEFINITELY applies to the Start Line. We will be in town, near stores
and families....and no one wants to see that! Riders that are spotted relieving themselves
outside of the portalets will be disqualified and not asked back next year. We have
added toilets at mile 7 and mile 10 this year–use them.

Show your best character. Yes, we get that racing can be intense. But it is ONE day. You
do not want to be forever known as “that person”. Be courteous, respectful and generally
act like a decent human being. This goes for your actions towards other racers,
spectators, volunteers (they are here to help you on their own time!) and vehicles. We get
to ride these roads all the time and we would love for our community to keep supporting

Riders are expected to be prepared to deal with mechanical issues. Please bring extra
tubes, a hand pump and/or CO2, tire plugs, etc. There will be some Neutral Support on
the course, but aim to be self-sufficient as their proximity to you is spread out.

There are three time cutoffs this year for the Black Course and one for the Blue Course.

The first Black Course cutoff comes at mile 20 at 8:30am–you will be asked to ride the blue
course if you don’t make this time cutoff. The second Black Course cutoff comes at mile
37 at 10:30am–if you don’t make it by that time we will detour you to take a shortcut that
will allow you to continue riding the black course but take just over 17 miles off of your
ride. The final cutoff is mile 67 for and mile 41 for the Blue Course at 1:30pm. You will not
be allowed to continue on the course if you don’t get through that checkpoint by that
time. This means you must average 9.5mph (including stops) to make these cutoffs. As
much as we would love to accommodate everyone’s pace, we only have our medical and
rescue teams until dark so we MUST get you back into town at a reasonable hour.

This race is held in a MOUNTAIN TOWN. That means that our weather has the potential to
be 90 degrees and sunny or 32 degrees and blustery. Come prepared for any sort of
weather. Windbreaker, rain jacket, ear warmers, 3 pairs of gloves to choose from on race
morning. It is okay to over pack your race bag. We won’t judge. You are going to want
options--pop up thunderstorms are common in the mountains.

Sunscreen is recommended regardless of the weather. Sun happens all the time.

Temperature, rain, or heat will probably not cancel the race. Forest fires, high levels of
smoke from forest fires, and lightning are a few the examples that may halt the race. In
the event of a natural disaster or weather that could be potentially dangerous to racers or
volunteers the race could be delayed, shortened, postponed or canceled without refund.

All riders will have the opportunity to take advantage of our awesome Aid Stations. That
means you will have the pleasure of receiving the support of our INCREDIBLE volunteers.
Make sure to give them a Thank You or a big smile and a head nod-whatever you can
muster at that point!

Your jersey has pockets. Not only do they store your food, but they store your trash. Please
make sure to keep our beautiful scenery litter-free. We would be happy to take your trash
at the Aid Stations and the Finish Line. If you are seen littering during the event, we are
sure we can come up with an appropriate punishment. Steamboat Springs is still known
as a cowboy town.

Stay on the course. This is a race. That means that everyone (in their respective distance
category) must follow the same path. It is YOUR responsibility to be in the right place.
Study the map, find someone who can show you how to download/upload/reload(?!) the
GPX files to your Wahoo bike computer. Have some idea of where you are going. Do NOT
step foot on private property!


Share your story with hashtag #SBTGRVL