Rules, Regulations & FAQs
Believe it or not, there are rules in GRVL. Please familiarize yourself with our SBT GRVL p/b Wahoo Rules and Regulations. We’ve also tried to read your minds and cover every question and topic; however, if there is something you don’t see addressed in our FAQ section give us a shout.
We are so lucky to have these beautiful gravel roads for our Saturday and Sunday events. Please enjoy these roads and treat them like you are a guest.
Respect the Routt: SBT GRVL Oaths
I will ride on the right side of the road and follow all traffic laws and Rules of the Road. I
understand that these are open, public roads and that there are others using the
roads for work and/or commuting. I will respectfully share these roads with all other
users.I will use portable toilets to relieve myself and will not trespass on private property.
I will practice kindness to others on and off the bike and understand that this event is
inclusive of all types of riders, regardless of age, race, gender or ability.I understand that breaking any of these Oaths may result in disqualification from SBT
GRVL and future GRVL events.

Do I have to wear a helmet?
Yes. Riders must wear an ANSI certified helmet at ALL times while on the bike.
I don’t like what is going to be offered at aid stations. What should I do?
If you have specific preferences or dietary restrictions please bring your own fuel.
Are aerobars allowed?
Nope! Aerobars are not allowed during the Race or the Ride.
Can I listen to tunes during the Race or Ride?
No! Earbuds or speakers allowed during the Race or the Ride.
Is outside assistance allowed?
No. You may only receive assistance from a neutral aid station or a fellow rider/teammate directly participating in your event. Receiving outside aid will result in disqualification.
When will registration take place?
Early registration will be from November 18 to November 24. Our Random Selection Open Registration window will be open from December 2-7.
What if I miss the window, can I register later?
No, once the registration window has closed there will not be another opportunity to register.
Do I have to pay to enter the random selection?
You will enter your payment details at registration; however, your card will only be charged if you are selected.
I ordered merchandise. What if I do not get into the event?
If you do not get into the event the order will be canceled and you will NOT be charged anything. If you would still like to purchase merchandise, you may do so on the sbtgrvl.com website.
Will registration for both the Saturday ride and Sunday race be at the same time?
Yes! However, you may only register for Saturday’s Ride OR Sunday’s Circuit Race. If you attempt to register for both events, you will be removed from both events.
I was a volunteer. When do I get to register?
2024 volunteers will register during our Early Registration period from 11/18 to 11/24. A code will be sent to you via email with instructions. If you do not register during this time your entry is no longer guaranteed.
I deferred my entry to 2025. When do I get to register?
Deferred riders will register during our Early Registration period from 11/18 to 11-24. A code will be sent to you via email with instructions. If you do not register during this time your entry is no longer guaranteed.
What if I am a deferred rider but the 2025 dates do not work for me. Can I roll my deferred entry forward to 2026?
No. Deferrals are only good the following year. You cannot roll the deferral to 2026 if you deferred your entry from the 2024 race.
As a deferred rider can I choose any course I would like no matter what course I signed up for in 2024?
Yes. You may choose to ride any of the 3 courses on Saturday or Sunday’s Circuit Race. It can be the same, or different, from the course you chose in 2024.
I have a guaranteed entry because I was a volunteer or I deferred my 2024 entry. My partner/friend/family member does not. What should I do?
You have two choices:
You can register with your guaranteed entry and take the chance your friend/family member/partner does NOT get in during the random selection process which means you would be competing or riding without them. That’s not all bad–there is plenty to do race weekend in Steamboat and you get an instant race sherpa.
You choose NOT to use your guaranteed entry and enter the random selection with your family member/friend/partner as a group so you either both get in or both do not get in.
The price for all the rides went up. Why?
New for 2025, a portion of every entry fee will be donated to our local nonprofits supporting Routt County youth. SBT GRVL was founded on a commitment to invest heavily in the ride experience and safety and will continue to do so. Due to the enhanced safety and on-course support measures, the reduced number of entries, and splitting the event into 2 days, SBT GRVL’s fixed operating costs have gone up significantly.
The entry fee displayed on BikeReg is different than on your website. Why?
There are new laws mandating that administrative fees be shown on the registration site prior to the checkout page. So, that is why the amounts are different. At checkout, sales tax will be added since that is different state by state.
I am a professional athlete who would like to race in the elite race on Sunday? Is there a special entry system?
All professional athletes will need to enter the random selection process to gain entry into the SBT GRVL Elite race. The only professional or elite riders who receive guaranteed entries are our past Black Course champions.
I won my age group at the 2024 event. Do I receive a guaranteed entry for 2025?
No. The only riders who receive guaranteed entries are our 7 previous Black Course Champions.
I am a junior rider (age 15-18) and would like to participate in the USA Cycling Junior Gravel Series. Is there a different registration process for the Junior race in Hayden on Sunday, June 29, 2025?
That's awesome! We are really excited to have SBT GRVL p/b by Wahoo as part of this series. We encourage all juniors to enter the random selection process from December 2-7, 2024. That said, we have allocated a total of 30 spots that will become available after the first two races of the series at Valley of Tears in March and the Sea Otter Classic in April.
I am a Junior who wants to participate in the USA Cycling Junior Gravel National Series? Which course do I register for during random selection?
The Hayden Circuit Race, Junior Category, on Sunday, June 29, 2025 is the race that is part of the USA Junior Gravel National Series. Juniors will do 2 laps of the 37 mile circuit.
Is the entry fee for junior riders different from adults?
Yes. Our junior categories are ½ the price of the entry fee for adults (19 and older).
Are eBikes allowed at SBT GRVL p/b Wahoo?
Yes, Ebikes are only allowed on Saturday’s Ride; which includes the Green, Red and Blue courses. Ebikes are prohibited in the Hayden Circuit Race on Sunday, June 29, 2025.
Can I register for multiple courses or events in the random selection process?
No! Selecting multiple courses or events does NOT make it more likely that you will be chosen for the event.
If you enter multiple course distances or events you will be removed from the random selection process and ineligible for selection to the 2025 event.
Can I do the ride on Saturday AND the race on Sunday?
Unfortunately, no. You CANNOT do the ride on Saturday AND the race on Sunday in Hayden. While we appreciate your willingness to take on such an awesome challenge, we want to give as many riders as possible the opportunity to experience SBT GRVL. When you enter the random selection, you will need to decide if you want to race on Sunday OR do one of the courses for the Saturday ride. Remember, as addressed above, you may NOT enter multiple courses for Saturday’s ride in the random selection process.
What is group registration for the random selection process?
This allows partners, groups of friends and family members to either all be selected together OR not selected together. You can read more details about this very simple process here.
Are all members of a group required to do the same course?
Nope. Each group member can choose their own course when they register for the random selection. Once the group is created, members can join any time they wish during the random selection window.
Can some group members register for the race while others do the ride?
Yes, group members may select different courses or the Sunday event!
All the deferral and course change policies apply individually once you are selected and officially registered for the event.
I registered for the random selection but want to make a change to my entry before the window closes. Is this possible?
Yes! There is an edit link in your confirmation email. You may make changes to your random selection entry prior to the window closing on December 7th.
How will I find out if I got into the race?
On Friday, December 13th we will email all riders to let them know whether they were selected. In addition, we will email all those riders NOT selected for the race as well.
Make sure that your spam filters are set to accept emails from BikeReg, because that is where the emails will come from. If you do not receive an email from us on December 13th make sure to your junk mail folders!
Also, if for some reason your credit card charge does not go through you will receive an email from BikeReg to update your billing information. If you do not do this within 48 hours you will be removed from the event.
I registered for the Hayden Race Circuit and need to change my entry. Is this possible?
No. If you signed up for the Hayden Circuit Race your only option is to defer your entry to the 2026 event.
Due to the rider limits set by the county once registration closed in December riders are not able to change from the race to the ride or vice versa.
I registered for the ride on Saturday. Can I change my course?
Yes. You may make a course change prior to the deadline of May 10, 2025.
However, you may NOT change from the Saturday ride to the Hayden Circuit Race on Sunday, June 29, 2025.
When I defer my entry do I owe any money?
No money is owed at the time of deferral; however, you will pay the entire entry fee for the 2026 event at the time of registration. A deferral holds your spot for the following year, but your payment doesn’t transfer.
What is the deferral deadline?
May 10, 2025.
What is the course change deadline?
May 10, 2025.
Do you make exceptions to the deferral policy for illness, injury or any other extenuating circumstances?
No. We must apply our deferral policy consistently. To be fair to all of our riders, we are not able to make any exceptions.
What are the course distances?
Blue is 99 miles, Red is 56.5 miles and Green is 37 miles. You can find the course maps HERE.
The nameplate is large. Can I cut it to make more aero?
No!! Your nameplate cannot be altered in any way. If it is cut you will NOT be allowed to start the ride.
Where is the start line?
Yampa and 10th Street in downtown Steamboat Springs, CO. It is in the same location as previous years.
What time does the race start?
6:30 am for the Blue course, 7:00 am for the Red course and 7:30am for the Green course.
How many aid stations are on course?
There are 5 aid stations on the Blue course, 3 aid stations on the Red course and 2 aid stations on the Green course.
Will there be mechanical support during the ride?
Yes, there is some support at the aid stations; however, come prepared to be self-sufficient.
I am riding an eBike. Will there be charging stations or battery support?
No. If you ride an eBike you are responsible for your battery and life of it. If the battery will not make it the distance of the course of your choice then you need to carry an extra battery OR choose a different course.
Will I get a time when I complete the course?
Yes. We will time all riders and you can download a finisher certificate.
Will there be food and beverages at the finish line?
Of course! We will have lots of great food, NA beverages and beer at the finish line.
Will there be prizes?
We will not have prizes or podium presentations for the Saturday Ride, but our sponsors will raffle off great prizes that every registered rider has a chance to win at our post event festival. You must be present to win so make sure you stick around. Sunday’s circuit races will have cash prizes for the Elite Races and product prizes for the Amateur categories.
Are the courses open to traffic?
Yes! Follow the rules of the road. These rules include, but are not limited to: Follow the centerline rule. Keep your bike on the right side of the road.
Do I have to stop at stop signs?
Yes! There will be stop signs on the Saturday rides. Treat them as such. If you are reported violating road rules, you could be disqualified (some due process may be involved). Sunday’s circuit race will have closed intersections and will allow riders to race through as long as they are inside the racing bubble.
Is outside assistance allowed?
No direct outside support on the course (Friends, Family, Sponsors). Our Aid Stations will be fully stocked and our volunteers are ready to assist you. Riders accepting support from a source not available to all riders will be disqualified.
Can I ride more than two abreast?
No. You are expected to ride no more than two abreast.
Where can my family or friends watch me ride?
There will be a “spectating” page in our Rider Guide with suggestions.
There will be mechanical support on course but should I also bring my own tools and equipment to fix any minor difficulties?
Yes! We will have mechanical support out there but it can’t be everywhere all the time. Come ready to handle your own mishaps so you can get back riding as soon as possible.
Will there be porta potties?
Yes and lots of them! Use them or hold it. There are no other options.
Are there time cut offs?
There will be a time cutoff at the 41 mile point on the blue course to make sure everyone arrives back to Steamboat Springs before the end of the day. There are no cutoff times for the green and red courses.
Are there any places to reroute onto a shorter course?
Yes, blue course riders can make the decision to ride the red or green course, but you have to make that decision at mile 10. Red course riders can downgrade to ride the green course, but you have to make that decision around mile 20.
What should I do with my trash?
In your jersey pockets or please dispose of it at an aid station. Absolutely NO littering on the course.
Will the course be marked?
Yes! We will have signs for all 3 courses; however, we recommend that you review the course maps and download the course onto your Wahoo. You are responsible for knowing where to go in the event that course signs have been moved or altered.
Where does the Sunday Circuit Race take place?
Hayden, CO. Approximately 30 minutes west of Steamboat Springs, CO on Highway 40.
What is the race course?
You can find the Sunday Circuit Race course HERE. Racers will line up at the Routt County Fairgrounds for a neutral rollout prior to starting the first lap.
What are the start times?
The Amateur Race (2 laps) will begin at 7:00am.
The Elite Race (3 laps) will begin at 8:15am (Pro Open) and 8:20am (Pro Women).
Will there be front number plates? They are so not aero.
No! Our racers have number plates affixed behind the seatpost as well as on the jersey.
What is this tyvek bib number for?
Please affix this to your back jersey pocket. It is required to be worn throughout both the race and ride.
Will there be aid stations during the race?
Yes! There will be neutral aid each lap.
Will there be mechanical support during the race?
Yes. We will have mechanics at the aid stations and roving support. However, please come ready to take care of your own mishaps as we cannot guarantee the proximity of the support vehicle being near you when you get a mechanical.
How many laps are the races?
The Elite Category will do 3 laps for a total of 114 miles. The amateur race (age group, single speed, tandem and juniors) will be 2 laps for a total of 74 miles.
Will you have prizes?
Yes! The top 3 in each category/age group will receive prizes from our sponsors. You must be present to receive your prize so make sure you stick around.
Is outside assistance allowed?
No direct outside support on the course (Friends, Family, Sponsors). Our Aid Stations will be fully stocked and our volunteers are ready to assist you. Riders accepting support from a source not available to all riders will be disqualified.
Will there be porta potties?
Yes and lots of them! Use them or hold it. There are no other options.
I don’t like what is going to be offered at aid stations. What should I do?
If you have specific preferences or dietary restrictions please bring your own fuel.
What is a race bubble?
The circuit race on Sunday will be run in a rolling enclosure, or “race bubble. We will have the riders in contention stay between law enforcement vehicles and protected intersections so that these riders will have the right of way for the duration of the event.
Do I have to stop at stop signs?
If you are in the race bubble you do not need to stop at a stop sign, law enforcement will be holding any traffic for you to pass through the intersection.
However, if you are no longer in the official race bubble you must stop at all stop signs, obey the rules of the road and ride no more than two abreast.
Can I ride more than two abreast?
If you are in the race bubble you can ride more than two abreast
If you are no longer in the race bubble you must follow the rules of the road and ride no more than two abreast.
Where can my family or friends watch me ride?
We will have Viewing areas for family, friends and other spectators. Locations and directions will be in the rider guide.
Are aerobars allowed?
There will be mechanical support on course but should I also bring my own tools and equipment to fix any minor difficulties?
Yes! We will have mechanical support out there but it can’t be everywhere all the time. Come ready to handle your own mishaps so you can get back riding as soon as possible.
Are there time cut offs for each lap of the course?
Time cutoffs for Sunday’s Circuit Race will be subject to the rolling enclosure rules.
An official looking person on a motorcycle just gave me some directions. Do I have to listen?
Yes! You must follow all directions given from race officials. No exceptions.
What should I do with my trash?
For goodness sake, put it back in your pocket. You may empty your pockets at the aid stations or at the end of the race.
Will the course be marked?
Yes, all courses will be marked with directional arrows but you never know what could happen to those signs–input the course into your Wahoo or GPS unit!
Where do I pick up my packet for the SBT GRVL Saturday Ride?
You will pick up your packet, including your registration number, at the SBT GRVL registration tent on Yampa and 10th Street in downtown Steamboat Springs.
Where do I pick up my packet for the Hayden Circuit race?
You will pick up your packet, including your registration number, at the SBT GRVL registration tent on Yampa and 10th Street in downtown Steamboat Springs.
What do I need to pick up my packet?
You will need a valid photo ID to pick up your packet. No exceptions!
Can someone else pick up my packet for me?
No. You must pick up your own packet.
Is there really no packet pick up for either the ride of the race on the day of the event?
That is correct. Please plan travel accordingly so you can pick up your packet before ride and race day.
I am also doing the HLL CLMB on Friday evening. Do I pick up my HLL CLMB bib at the same registration tent?
You will pick up your packet at the HLL CLMB event at the base of Howelsen Hill on Thursday evening.
I missed the course change deadline and need to change my course. Is that possible?
You can change your course on race weekend in the registration tent if you are doing the Saturday ride (for a small fee). We cannot make changes to the online system after the May 10, 2025 deadline. Please pick up your original bib and then come to the Registration help desk to make your course change.
There will be a $20 charge for the onsite course change. 50% of the fee will go to the Routt County 4-H Scholarship Foundation.