El Groupo Junior Cycling Group Gets Ready For SBT GRVL 2022

Our team reached out to El Groupo Junior Cycling Group out of Tuscon, AZ with the following “We would love to hear a little bit more about your journey to SBT GRVL (training, team building, managing self confidence and motivation, etc.) and was wondering if you could give a quote on all of the above, and perhaps ask one of your juniors about his/her prep of the event?” And this is what they came back to us with:

Our SBT GRVL Crew (of 8) shared the following thoughts regarding their training for the race: “We’ve been doing a LOT of training—both as a team and individually.” All the riders have enjoyed big, long weekend rides (like the Shootout) and the girls have particularly “enjoyed their Patagonia rides with Daniela.” The team shares with each other their ride experiences and all shared the joy of “being dead after the ride.” Together, they are “learning what does (and doesn’t) work.”

In addition to riding, another key piece of preparation has been cross training. When apart, the girls have even use FaceTime and completed their cross training ‘together’. They all agree that they are dialing in nutrition and hydration—water and electrolytes + some caffeine when needed. The general consensus is that they “EAT… a LOT” :-)

While the riders are getting more excited about SBT GRVL the closer it gets, they are also nervous about the “unknown—e.g. falling off the group [that is going to try to stay together] or not pacing properly”… One rider commented that “not doing well at races sucks, but being nice to myself is important”; another rider commented that he “doesn’t train for the race, [he] trains because it is fun”; and finally, another rider is super clear on his role as a domestique during SBT GRVL.

Training for SBT GRVL has given El Grupo Team riders “self-confidence” and although “nervous”, they “feel ready” and are so grateful for this opportunity.


Announcing the Strava Live Segment Challenge!