Cycling Mechanics Combining Body & Bike

The Steamboat Orthpaedic and Spine Institute (SOSI) has several avid cyclists on our team, and we are thrilled to be a sponsor of SBT GRVL. For obvious reasons we are intrigued by the mechanics of the human body combined with the mechanics of a bike. There are so many factors that go into comfort, longevity and physical health while cycling.

Drs. and cyclists Andreas Sauerbrey and Patrick Johnston, along with PT and bike fitter Ray Degli, discuss several issues and complaints they hear from their biking patients. Watch the video above as Andreas, Patrick, and Ray cover pelvic position and how it relates to spine comfort; weight on the hands and hand positioning; and hot or numb feet and how pedal position and shoe choice play into that.

See the below Cycling Mechanics videos on three specific areas: pelvis and spine, core and hands, and hot feet.


Catching up on all things gravel with David High, Alpine Bank's SVP


SBT GRVL + The Mid South Partner to Get Juniors on Gravel